
Aerobic Nitrate Reduction & Starting A New Tank
You must use Right Now! Bacteria and Tri Base Carbon for the 24 hour cycle and the conversion of nitrates (NO3) into Nitrogen gas (N2) to occur. Bio balls contain 100 sq.ft. for every cubic foot of plastic media, while silica sand has a surface area of 156 sq. meters per gram.

Tri Base carbon has three different types of carbon contained in the same pellet, for a total surface area of 1,050 sq. meters per gram.

Tri Base has a greater available surface for bacteria than any other media on the market. In addition, Tri Base contains available carbon which is necessary for the bacteria to complete the nitrogen cycle. The carbon is used as a permanent bed for the nitrification bacteria and will support a far greater population than bio balls, silica sand or others.

If kept clean by prefiltering water the carbon will not clog with fines and will last for five years before needing to be replaced. With Right Now! Bacteria and Tri Base Carbon you will see a significant reduction in cycle time. The amount of carbon necessary for this reaction to occur can be calculated with a simple formula. Multiply 0.1667 pounds of Tri Base carbon with the total gallons of water to find out how many pounds are required as a minimum. So a 50 gallon (200 liter) aquarium would require about eight and a half pounds of the carbon.

Starting A New Aquarium
Remove bio balls or other media from your wet dry chamber, and replace it with Tri Base Carbon according to the formula. Add Right Now! Bacteria five minutes before you release your fish into the tank.

After you have acclimated a light load of fish, release them into the aquarium. Make sure to turn off UV and protein skimmer for 24 hours. Do not put Metal Gone in the tank at this time. A good pre-filter (10 microns) will help prolong the life of the carbon. Add Metal Gone after two weeks in another part of your filter. The tank will cloud in the first 24 hours because of the bran flake used as a carrier for the bacteria. This will not harm your fish.